शुक्रवार, 6 जनवरी 2012

Cesar - Olive Pomace Oil

Cesar - Olive Pomace Oil Details

Cesar - Olive Pomace Oil

Cesar - Pomace Olive massage oil is a wonderful way to encourage bonding between your family and your new baby, known for skin soothing qualities. This gentle oil is also easy to spread, so it's ideal for baby massage.
  1. Olive Pomace Oil softens and helps protect skin from dryness and flaking
  2. It provides a good source of sensory and muscle stimulation, which is beneficial to all babies
  3. Effective for adults skin too
  4. To calm and soothe your baby through massage
  5. For improved circulation throughout your baby's body
  6. For after-bath or bedtime relaxation
  7. To aid neurological development
