Application Name: SecureLogin Implemented By: codebyter Released on: 06/01/2015 Brief Description: A form-based application that लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
Application Name: SecureLogin Implemented By: codebyter Released on: 06/01/2015 Brief Description: A form-based application that लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

गुरुवार, 8 जनवरी 2015

Friday's Java World Submissions: SecureLogin

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1) SecureLoginSubmissions Since Yesterday:

Category: Databases/ JDBC
Level: Beginner

Description: Application Name: SecureLogin Implemented By: codebyter Released on: 06/01/2015 Brief Description: A form-based application that performs a login to an ACCESS database (accessed via ucanaccess library). The database is formed only by the tables contaning the data needed to validate the credentials specified by the user. The functionalities implemented are below detailed: Details: 1. The frame contains a checkbox to display the password when inputted 2. The user can miss the password only three times as maximum. When reached the limit the user is locked and the login is not allowed any more 3. It is possible to change the password via a pushbutton 4. When the user logs in, the application store this info in the database along with the login date/time 5. It is not allowed to log in when the user appears already logged Regarding point 3: 6. The password must satisfy the following constraints (see PasswordChecker class): - Between 6 and ten 10 chars long - Must contain at least one uppercase letter - Must contain at least one digit - Must not contain a predefinied set of chars 7. The password in the database table is stored in encrypted form (MD5, see the corresponding class) 8. It is reported back the old password in a display-only field 9. The frame contains a checkbox to display the password when inputted (in all the three password fields) 10. It must be specified a password different from the last file passwords ( contained in the passwordhistory database table) 11. If the user presses Cancel the password is not changed and the user stays logged with the old password

Compatibility: Java (JDK 1.5)
Submitted on 1/6/2015 4:52:18 AM and accessed 44 times.

