Linked List लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
Linked List लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

सोमवार, 5 दिसंबर 2011

linked list question bank linked lists problems linked list interview questions

  1. * How to declare a structure of a linked list? Also implement a Generic Linked List.
  2. * Implement a Stack (LIFO) using singly linked list?
  3. * Write a C program to implement a Queue (FIFO) using singly linked list?
  4. * Write a C program to reverse a singly linked list?
  5. * How to detect a loop in a singly linked list? Write a C program for the same.
  6. * How would you find out if one of the pointers in a linked list is corrupted or not?
  7. * How do you reverse a doubly linked list? Write a C program to do the same.
  8. * Given only a pointer to a node to be deleted in a singly linked list, how do you delete it?
  9. * How do you find the middle of a linked list? Write a C program for the same.
  10. * How do you sort a linked list? Write a C program to sort a linked list.
  11. * How do you reverse a linked list without using any C pointers?
  12. * How to compare two linked lists? Write a C program to compare two linked lists.
  13. * How to create a mirror copy of a linked list? Write a C program for the same.
  14. * Write a C program to return the nth node from the end of a linked list.
