सोमवार, 17 अक्टूबर 2011

C++, C++ FAQs, how to clear c++ interview,

C++ Question and Answers

1. What data structure is used to create dictionary ?

2. What is difference between map and hash map ?

3. Difference between list and vectors ?

4. Define Complexity ? what parameters are considered while defining it ?

5. Types of sorting algorithms ? Complexity for Sorting Algorithms ?

6. How will you automate new and delete functionality ?

7. Size of virtual function ( a class has only one virtual function ,what will be its size ? )

8. Difference between 32 bit and 64 bit architecture ?

9. How Hash Map is implemented ?

10. How will convert character into integer ?



C++, C++ FAQs, how to clear c++ interview, Interview questions on C++, Question and Answers for C++, technical interview questions,

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